Jul 10, 2024

Flutter vs. React Native in 2024/2025

Flutter vs React Native in 2024/2025: A comprehensive comparison to help you choose the best framework for your mobile app development project.

The world of mobile app development is constantly changing. New tools and technologies are emerging constantly, making it difficult for businesses to decide which framework is suitable for their next project. Two of the most popular options for cross-platform app development are Flutter and React Native. Both frameworks have their own strengths and weaknesses, so it's essential to understand their differences before deciding.

In this blog post, we will explore Flutter and React Native in depth. We will discuss each framework's pros and cons and how they compare to each other in 2024/2025. Finally, we will help you decide which framework is right for your business.

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What is Flutter?

Flutter is an open-source framework created by Google for building beautiful, native-looking mobile apps for iOS and Android from a single codebase. It uses the Dart programming language, which is also relatively new and easy to learn, even for developers unfamiliar with mobile app development.

Advantages of Flutter

  • Fast Development: Flutter allows you to develop apps quickly and easily. This is because you can use the same codebase for both iOS and Android, and you can see your changes reflected in real time as you code. This can be a huge advantage for businesses that need to get their apps to market quickly.
  • Enhanced Design: Flutter uses its own widgets to build the user interface (UI) of your app. These widgets are designed to look great on both iOS and Android devices, so you can be sure that your app will have a consistent and polished look and feel.
  • Good Performance: Flutter apps are known for their smooth performance and fast load times. This is because Flutter uses its own rendering engine, which means that it does not rely on the native UI components of iOS and Android.
  • Easy to Learn: Dart, the programming language used by Flutter, is relatively easy to learn, even for developers who are not familiar with mobile app development. This makes Flutter a good option for businesses that are looking to build a team of mobile app developers quickly.

Disadvantages of Flutter

  • Limited Developer Community: While Flutter is growing in popularity, it still has a smaller developer community than React Native. This can make it more difficult to find developers who are experienced with the framework.
  • Newer Technology: Because Flutter is a newer framework, it is still under development. This means that there may be some bugs or missing features that you may encounter.
  • Larger App Size: Flutter apps tend to be larger than React Native apps. This is because Flutter includes its own rendering engine, which adds to the overall size of the app.

What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source framework created by Facebook for building mobile apps using JavaScript. React Native allows you to use JavaScript and JSX, a syntax extension for JavaScript, to build the UI of your app. This can be a great advantage for businesses that already have a team of JavaScript developers on staff.

Advantages of React Native

  • Large Developer Community: React Native has a large and active developer community. This means that there are a lot of resources available to help you learn the framework and find developers who are experienced with it.
  • Mature Technology: React Native is a more mature framework than Flutter. This means that it is more stable and has a wider range of features.
  • Smaller App Size: React Native apps tend to be smaller than Flutter apps. This is because React Native uses the native UI components of iOS and Android.

Disadvantages of React Native

  • Slower Development: React Native can be slower to develop with than Flutter. This is because you need to write separate codebases for iOS and Android.
  • Potential Performance Issues: React Native apps can sometimes have performance issues, especially on older devices. This is because React Native relies on the native UI components of iOS and Android, which can vary in performance.
  • Less Native Look and Feel: React Native apps can sometimes look and feel less native than Flutter apps. This is because React Native uses its own UI components, which may not look exactly like the native UI components of iOS and Android.

Flutter vs React Native in 2024/2025

So, how do Flutter and React Native compare in 2024/2025? Here is a breakdown of some of the key factors to consider:

  • Development Speed: Flutter is generally considered to be faster to develop with than React Native. This is because you can use the same codebase for both iOS and Android.
  • Performance: Both Flutter and React Native can deliver good performance, but Flutter generally has a slight edge. This is because Flutter uses its own rendering engine, which gives it more control over the UI and can lead to smoother animations and faster load times. However, React Native apps can still be very performant, especially on newer devices.
  • App Size: Flutter apps tend to be larger than React Native apps. This is because Flutter includes its own rendering engine, which adds to the overall size of the app. This can be a concern for businesses that are looking to develop apps for users with limited data plans.
  • Learning Curve: Flutter uses the Dart programming language, which is relatively new and easy to learn. React Native uses JavaScript, which is a more popular language with a larger pool of developers. So, finding developers with React Native experience might be easier. However, if you are willing to invest in training your developers, Dart is not a difficult language to learn.
  • Native Look and Feel: Flutter excels at creating apps with a consistent look and feel across iOS and Android. This is because Flutter uses its own widgets designed to look native on both platforms. React Native can also achieve a native look and feel, but it may require more effort from the developer.
  • Features and Community Support: React Native has a larger developer community and a more comprehensive range of third-party libraries and plugins available. This can be a significant advantage for businesses that need to develop complex apps or that want to use features that still need to be built into the core framework. However, the Flutter community is growing rapidly, and there are a growing number of libraries and plugins available for Flutter as well.

The figure below provides a summary of all the differences between Flutter and React Native: 

Which to Choose for Your Business - React Native or Flutter?

The decision of whether to use Flutter or React Native for your next mobile app development project will depend on a number of factors, including:

  • Your budget: Flutter can develop faster, which can save you money. However, you may need to invest in training your developers to learn Dart. React Native may have a lower upfront cost if you already have a team of JavaScript developers on staff.
  • Your development timeline: If you need to get your app to market quickly, Flutter may be the better option.
  • The complexity of your app: If you are developing a complex app with a lot of features, React Native may be a better option because of its larger community and broader range of third-party libraries and plugins.
  • The target platforms: If you are only targeting one platform, such as iOS, then you may not need a cross-platform framework like Flutter or React Native. However, if you are targeting both iOS and Android, a cross-platform framework can save you time and money.

Whizzbridge’s Flutter and React Native Expertise

At Whizzbridge, we understand the importance of choosing the right framework for your mobile app development project. Our experienced Flutter Consultant & React Native Developers Developers have a strong understanding of both and can help you decide which framework is the best fit for your needs.

Our Expertise in Flutter 

  • App Design and Development: We can help you design and develop beautiful, high-performance Flutter apps that look and feel great on both iOS and Android devices.
  • Custom Widget Development: We can create custom widgets to extend the functionality of Flutter and make your app unique.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: We can integrate your Flutter app with your existing back-end systems and APIs.
  • Performance Optimization: We can help you optimize your Flutter app for performance to ensure a smooth and enjoyable user experience.

Our Expertise in React Native

  • Native-looking App Development: We can help you develop React Native apps that look and feel like native iOS and Android apps.
  • Cross-Platform Development: We can leverage React Native's cross-platform capabilities to develop your app for both iOS and Android with a single codebase.
  • Third-Party Library Integration: We can integrate a wide range of third-party libraries and plugins into your React Native app to extend its functionality.
  • Redux and MobX Integration: We can help you implement state management solutions like Redux or MobX in your React Native app to improve its maintainability and scalability.

Whether you choose Flutter or React Native, Whizzbridge can help you build a successful mobile app. We have a proven track record of success in both technologies, and our team is passionate about creating high-quality mobile apps that meet your business goals.


Flutter and React Native are both powerful frameworks that can be used to build beautiful and functional mobile apps. The best framework for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements. By carefully considering the factors discussed in this blog post, you can make an informed decision about which framework is right for you.


1. Which framework is faster to develop with, Flutter or React Native?

Generally, Flutter is considered faster for development because you can use a single codebase for both iOS and Android. This eliminates the need to write and maintain separate codebases for each platform.

2. Which framework offers better performance, Flutter or React Native?

Both frameworks can deliver good performance, but Flutter often has a slight edge. This is due to Flutter's use of its own rendering engine, which provides more control over the UI and potentially leads to smoother animations and faster load times.

3. Are Flutter apps larger in size compared to React Native apps?

Yes, Flutter apps tend to be larger than React Native apps. This is because Flutter includes its own rendering engine, which adds to the overall app size. This can be a concern if you're targeting users with limited data plans.

4. Is it easier to find developers with experience in Flutter or React Native?

Finding developers with React Native experience might be easier due to JavaScript's popularity as a programming language. However, Dart, the language used by Flutter, is considered relatively easy to learn.

5. Which framework offers a more native look and feel, Flutter or React Native?

Flutter excels at creating apps with a consistent look and feel across both iOS and Android. This is because it uses its own widgets designed to look native on both platforms. While React Native can achieve a native look and feel, it may require more development effort.

6. Does React Native have a wider range of third-party libraries and plugins available?

Yes, React Native has a larger developer community and a wider range of third-party libraries and plugins available. This can be a significant advantage for complex apps or those requiring features not yet built into the core framework. However, the Flutter community is rapidly growing, with an increasing number of libraries and plugins becoming available.

7. Should I choose Flutter or React Native if I only target one platform (iOS or Android)?

If you only target one platform, you might not necessarily need a cross-platform framework like Flutter or React Native. Native development for iOS or Android might be a better option in this case.

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