Jun 11, 2024

What is Pardot? Salesforce Pardot vs Marketing Cloud

Unsure what Pardot is? Dive into this blog to understand Pardot's role in marketing automation and how it compares to Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Explore Pardot vs Mar

In today's digital marketing landscape, businesses are constantly searching for ways to automate tasks, nurture leads, and close more deals. This is where marketing automation platforms come in. Two popular options for businesses are Salesforce Pardot and Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Both are powerful tools that can help businesses achieve their marketing goals, but they have different strengths and weaknesses.

This blog post will provide a comprehensive overview of Pardot and Marketing Cloud, including their benefits, pricing, and key differences. By the end of this post, you will be able to determine which platform is the right fit for your business.

Source: GetOnCRM

What is Pardot?

Salesforce Pardot is a cloud-based marketing automation platform designed specifically for business-to-business (B2B) marketing. It helps businesses automate repetitive marketing tasks, such as email marketing, lead scoring, and lead nurturing. Pardot also integrates seamlessly with Salesforce Sales Cloud, which allows marketing and sales teams to work together more effectively.

Benefits of Salesforce Pardot:

Lead Nurturing: 

Pardot allows businesses to create automated email campaigns that nurture leads over time. These campaigns can be triggered by a variety of events, such as a website visit or a download of a white paper. With Pardot, businesses can educate leads about their products or services and move them further down the sales funnel.

Lead Scoring: 

Pardot helps businesses assign scores to leads based on their activity level and engagement with marketing campaigns. This allows businesses to focus their sales efforts on the most qualified leads.

Email Marketing: 

Pardot provides a drag-and-drop email builder that makes it easy to create professional-looking emails. Pardot also tracks email opens, clicks, and conversions so businesses can measure the effectiveness of their email campaigns.

Marketing ROI Reporting: 

Pardot provides a variety of reports that help businesses track the return on investment (ROI) of their marketing campaigns. These reports can help businesses identify which marketing activities are most effective and make data-driven decisions about their marketing budget.

Sales Enablement: 

Pardot integrates with Salesforce Sales Cloud, which allows marketing and sales teams to work together more effectively. Pardot can provide sales reps with real-time insights into lead activity and engagement, which can help them close deals faster.

Pardot Pricing

Pardot pricing is based on the number of marketing contacts you have. There are four pricing tiers:

  • Free: Up to 1,000 contacts (limited features)
  • Growth: 1,000 contacts - $1,250 per month
  • Plus: 10,000 contacts - $2,500 per month
  • Advanced: 25,000 contacts - $4,000 per month

What is Salesforce Marketing Cloud?

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a cloud-based marketing automation platform that is designed for businesses of all sizes. Marketing Cloud offers a wider range of features than Pardot, including social media marketing, advertising automation, and mobile marketing. Marketing Cloud also integrates with a variety of other Salesforce products, such as Salesforce Service Cloud and Salesforce Community Cloud.

Benefits of Marketing Cloud

Cross-Channel Marketing: 

Marketing Cloud allows businesses to automate marketing campaigns across multiple channels, such as email, social media, and mobile. This allows businesses to reach their target audience wherever they are.

Customer Journey Management: 

Marketing Cloud allows businesses to create and manage customer journeys. Customer journeys are personalized experiences that map out the different touchpoints a customer has with a brand. With Marketing Cloud, businesses can create customer journeys that nurture leads, engage customers, and drive sales.

Data Management: 

Marketing Cloud provides a powerful data management platform (DMP) that allows businesses to collect and analyze customer data from a variety of sources. This data can be used to personalize marketing campaigns and create more targeted advertising.

Marketing Analytics: 

Marketing Cloud provides a comprehensive set of marketing analytics tools that help businesses track the performance of their marketing campaigns. These tools can help businesses identify which marketing activities are most effective and make data-driven decisions about their marketing budget.

Artificial Intelligence: 

Marketing Cloud leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to automate tasks and personalize marketing campaigns. For example, AI can be used to automatically personalize email content or target ads to the right audience.

Marketing Cloud Pricing

Marketing Cloud pricing is complex and varies depending on the features you need. There are four main editions of Marketing Cloud:

  • Email Studio: Starts at $400 per month
  • Marketing Cloud Engagement: Starts at $4,500 per month
  • Marketing Cloud Personalization: Contact Salesforce for a quote
  • Marketing Cloud Advertising: Contact Salesforce for a quote

The Difference Between Pardot and Marketing Cloud 

While both Pardot and Marketing Cloud are powerful marketing automation platforms from Salesforce, they cater to different needs. Here's a breakdown of their key differences:

Target Audience:

  • Pardot: Primarily designed for B2B marketing with features geared towards nurturing leads with complex buying journeys and multiple decision-makers.
  • Marketing Cloud: Offers a broader scope, suitable for both B2B and B2C marketing. It caters to businesses of all sizes and can handle high-volume, transactional marketing alongside nurturing complex B2B leads.

Feature Set:

  • Pardot: Focuses on core B2B marketing automation functionalities like lead scoring, email marketing, lead nurturing, and marketing ROI reporting. It integrates seamlessly with Salesforce Sales Cloud for tight alignment between marketing and sales teams.
  • Marketing Cloud: Offers a wider range of features, including social media marketing, advertising automation, mobile marketing, customer journey management, and a powerful DMP. It integrates with a broader range of Salesforce products beyond Sales Cloud.

Ease of Use:

  • Pardot: Known for its user-friendly interface and straightforward approach. It's easier to set up and manage for teams with less technical expertise.
  • Marketing Cloud: Due to its extensive feature set, Marketing Cloud can be more complex to learn and use. It might require more technical resources or training for teams to fully leverage its capabilities.


  • Pardot: Scales well for B2B businesses with growing contact lists. However, its focus on B2B marketing might limit its suitability for high-volume, B2C campaigns.
  • Marketing Cloud: Highly scalable and adaptable for businesses of all sizes. It can handle large volumes of contacts and complex marketing automation needs.


  • Pardot: Offers a tiered pricing structure based on the number of marketing contacts, making it a cost-effective option for smaller B2B teams.
  • Marketing Cloud: Pricing is more complex and requires contacting Salesforce for a quote. It can be a significant investment for smaller businesses but offers greater flexibility for complex marketing needs.

Choosing Between Pardot and Marketing Cloud

The best platform for your business depends on several factors, including your:

  • Industry and target audience: 

If you're a B2B company with complex sales cycles, Pardot might be a good fit. However, if you're a B2C company or need advanced features like social media marketing or advertising automation, Marketing Cloud would be a better choice.

  • Marketing goals: 

Consider your primary marketing objectives. Are you focused on lead nurturing and sales enablement, or do you need a platform for cross-channel marketing and customer journey management?

  • Budget: 

Pardot generally has a lower entry point, while Marketing Cloud can be a significant investment.

  • Technical expertise: 

Evaluate your team's technical skills. If user-friendliness is a priority, Pardot might be easier to manage.

Salesforce Services Offered by Whizzbridge 

Whizzbridge offers comprehensive Salesforce professional services to help you unlock the full potential of the Salesforce platform and digitally transform your business. These services include consulting, implementation, integration, custom development, management, data analytics, and staff augmentation. With their expert support, you can streamline sales, marketing, and customer service processes to maximize growth and success.

While Whizzbridge offers both Salesforce Pardot and Marketing Cloud services, their area of expertise lies in Pardot. They specialize in developing a tailored marketing automation strategy with Pardot Consulting Services, crafting compelling marketing assets, managing leads with Pardot Implementation Services, and ensuring seamless data flow for a unified view of your activities with Pardot Integration Services.  Their team of certified Pardot consultants prioritizes a customer-centric approach to empower businesses to leverage Pardot for marketing automation success.


Pardot and Marketing Cloud are both powerful marketing automation platforms from Salesforce. Understanding their strengths and weaknesses will help you choose the right tool to achieve your marketing goals. By considering your target audience, feature needs, budget, and technical expertise, you can make an informed decision and leverage the power of marketing automation to drive growth for your business.

FAQs: Pardot vs Marketing Cloud

Which platform is right for me: Pardot or Marketing Cloud?

The best platform depends on your specific needs. Here's a quick breakdown:

  • Choose Pardot if:some text
    • You're a B2B company with complex sales cycles.
    • Your primary focus is lead nurturing and sales enablement.
    • You have a smaller marketing team with limited technical expertise.
    • You have a budget for a tiered pricing structure based on contact volume.
  • Choose Marketing Cloud if:some text
    • You're a B2C company or need advanced features like social media marketing or advertising automation.
    • Your marketing goals involve cross-channel marketing and customer journey management.
    • You have a larger budget and require more complex marketing automation functionalities.
    • Your team has the technical resources to handle a feature-rich platform.

Who is Whizzbridge, and what are they known for?

While Whizzbridge offers both Pardot and Marketing Cloud services, their expertise lies in Pardot. They specialize in:

- Pardot consulting services to develop a tailored marketing automation strategy.

- Pardot implementation services to create marketing assets, manage leads, and integrate with social media.

- Pardot integration services to ensure seamless data flow between Pardot and Salesforce CRM.

Their Pardot consultants offer experience and a customer-centric approach to help businesses leverage Pardot for growth.

Is there a free trial available for Pardot or Marketing Cloud?

Unfortunately, neither Pardot nor Marketing Cloud offers a traditional free trial. However, Pardot does have a limited free tier for up to 1,000 contacts with restricted features. It's recommended that you contact Salesforce directly to discuss potential free trial options for Marketing Cloud, which may depend on your specific needs.

What happens if I exceed my contact limit on Pardot?

Pardot uses a tiered pricing structure based on the number of marketing contacts. If you exceed your limit, you'll automatically be upgraded to the next tier and billed accordingly. It's wise to monitor your contact growth and proactively upgrade your plan if necessary to avoid service disruptions.

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